Should Droll be banned on Master Duel?
I think it's worth discussing the current state of Droll & Lockbird for the Master Duel format. Currently, Droll is being slammed into literally every deck and apart from some fringe decks like Labrynth, it is an incredibly degenerate turn-skip card that affects more than just the top decks. Pretty much any time I see Droll resolved against people on the new Azamina piles or Yubel, they just scoop or pass on a board you beat the next turn - but it's also historically turnskipped non-entity decks like P.U.N.K and Dark World.
There's little hope of it being banned in the paper game since they're way more laser-eyed on Shifter and Abyss Dweller ATM, but I don't think Konami has failed to notice the current state of Droll on a different format like MD.
I think this is not at all a wild take because Droll is already such a widely detested card like Dimension Shifter, as a lingering floodgate HT. Shifter was uniquely hit to 1 on MD and everyone was happy.
EDIT: Here's a great clip at what Droll does even in the worst situations.