Help me idk what to do
This is my hair put back so you can see my face
I have been thinking of getting an executive contour haircut, but it feels like a big change, and idk if it would look good with my face
I could also just get a trim so my bangs don’t get in my face (I don’t normally have my hair put back)
ORRRR I could have my hair put back like this all the time, but idk if it looks good like that.
Idk what to do if you have any better ideas please tell me!!
This is my hair put back so you can see my face
I have been thinking of getting an executive contour haircut, but it feels like a big change, and idk if it would look good with my face
I could also just get a trim so my bangs don’t get in my face (I don’t normally have my hair put back)
ORRRR I could have my hair put back like this all the time, but idk if it looks good like that.
Idk what to do if you have any better ideas please tell me!!