Ironically anxious to start anxiety medicine- can people share positives on lexapro?

I’ve been struggling for almost a decade with panic attacks, just a general constant level of anxiety, and extra sadness for no reason before my period (I’m a female mid twenties). I’ll feel so anxious it makes me feel like the room is spinning and I can’t breathe whenever I’m in a crowded or tight space of any kind, and random daily things that I logically know are nothing send my thoughts in a spiral. Also the queen of diagnosing myself on WebMD. In addition to that, and sometimes horrible pms, I also do have a history of some trauma which hasn’t helped.

Lexapro was recommended to me and I keep reading scary things, can anyone share something positive on how it helped them? I want to feel better but I’m scared this medicine will make me more sad or ruin my sex life or make my hair fall out or make me sleepy forever. Any good stuff would be great to hear 🥲