I think I destroyed myself.. I’m fucking scared.

I’m in panic, I don’t know if I’ll ever be the same again. I’m so fucking mad. I’m so fucking dumb.

Some background story just to see the whole picture: I had a really hard time as a kid / teen. Tragedies, family issues, highschool bullies, you know the drill. Yet, somehow, I became a relatively successful person, thanks to my brain. Somehow, as a kid, I developed an abnormally fast thinking, learning and problem solving and excellent communicational skills. That allowed me to have really good grades at school, better and better job opportunities. Some doctors said I’m autistic, some said I developed these skills to survive my childhood. Anyways, my brain was the only good thing that came out from those tragic, hard times. My brain was my luck, my only way to get out of the mysery my family left me in.

At 25, I was already managing a team of 8 at a multinational company. My carreer was skyrocketing. Then I tried weed for the first time.

A few week was enough to get totally hooked. 2 years passed, and I was high every single day for those 2 years. I lost motivation, I gained weight due to the munchies, I could not sleep, could not socialize but hey, it’s just weed, I stop and it’s gonna be all back to normal, right?

That’s what I was thinking. I’m 26 days sober now. Nothing is normal. I can’t sleep. I have zero motivation. I can’t work, I have literally no thoughts. I feel depressed. I can’t think like I could before. The fast problem solving? The fast learning? GONE. My brain, the only thing that could have helped me having a relatively good life is gone. I’ll probably lose my job because I don’t have a single creative idea since a month. At least when I smoked I got ideas, but now nothing. I feel like I wasted my talent, wasted my opportunity. I feel so stupid.

Please, tell me it’s gonna be all normal again. Please tell me it’s just a matter of time. I feel so fucking dumb. I feel very, very scared. I want my old brain back, I want my old life back. I did my part, I quid, I have not touched weed for almost a month now, I just want things go back to normal.

Will it happen, guys? Will I be the same?