Can you buy weed seeds?

When i Google “weed seeds” a different kind of seed than what I’m looking for pops up.


My family has a small backyard where we’ve been playing golf and badminton since there’s not much else to do right now.

But the grass is dying from the golf divots and the running around. From the bit of research I’ve done, it seems that it is not grass however since it has more “weedy” characteristics.

It’s been there for more than 25 years. It grows every year. We don’t water it besides the rain. It needs to be mowed regularly. Basically we do nothing but it still grows.

We’re not looking to make the yard beautiful and manicured. We’re just looking for more of what we got.

Is there any place where I can buy seeds like this?

We are in New York.

Picture here:

Thank you all and stay safe. Let me know if I need to provide extra information.


Purchasing these two "weed" grass seeds.