[KCD2] I wasn’t prepared for this…

Life long Bethesda fan boy here that grew up with Morrowind and Oblivion. The realism and true RPG aspects of these games was amazing. I remember in Oblivion accidentally becoming a vampire and it took me multiple real world days of playing to finally cure myself. Skyrim just never quite delivered that same level of depth for me.

I played KCD1 for about 30 minutes on Xbox Gamepass a few years ago but never truly gave it a fair shot.

Started playing KCD2 over the weekend and i spent literally all day on Sunday trying to find a way to feed myself and sleep after getting beat within inches of my life by Tomcat. I arrogantly thought I could take him on without armor after finally landing multiple 3 strike combos.

Stumbling my broken ass around and getting arrested several times for sleeping in someone else’s bed and refusing to eat my last apple was one of the most legit fun experiences playing a video game I’ve had since those Oblivion days. After work today I’ll finally swallow my pride after the bailiffs dragged me back to Troskowitz at least six times to wander back to Bozhena to beg for more soup and a bed.

I can’t believe I overlooked the first game. I’m half tempted to stop playing KCD2 and go back to complete the first game to get the full experience here.

I’m now hooked. Praise Jesus!