How to get women as an INTJ man

As an INTJ, the key to attracting the right kind of women is to be unapologetically yourself—without seeking attention. Instead of chasing, focus on how you present yourself and observe who gravitates toward you.

If you don’t like the type of women you’re attracting, take a step back and assess how you’re presenting yourself. Does your style, demeanor, or energy align with the kind of woman you actually want? Attraction is often a reflection of who you are, so self-improvement is crucial.

Unlike more extroverted types, approaching random people isn’t our strong suit. Instead, we thrive by presenting ourselves authentically and waiting for “choosing signals”—signs that someone is interested—before making a move. This approach works well because, naturally, not everyone will be drawn to us, and that’s okay. After all, we don’t vibe with most people either.

Mastering attraction as an INTJ isn’t about changing who you are—it’s about refining your presence and being strategic with your energy.

Now if you want to be a ladies man, you just have to manipulate this the right way.