Please send me all your colonoscopy prep tips
Well, the dreaded day came. My gastro said the C word. No, not that C word, the other one. Colonoscopy. Oh, and an upper endoscopy, too--I had one of those before, but I've never been to Colonoscopyville before.
I figured it wouldn't be a huge deal. My husband just had a routine one. But I see a different doctor than him. and I'm like a magazine (lots of issues) so my doc prescribed a two day prep.
I didn't even know there was a 2 day prep!
So now I'm a little freaked out. I have all the lists and meds, including nausea meds. I understand the instructions. I just want to hear from others that might have experience or tips to share, especially others who also have diabetes. What worked well? What would you do differently?
All I ask is please minimize horror stories. I do want to hear about what didn't work for you, but I would rather hear, "I wouldn't do XYZ again" and not all the scary specifics. I'm already picturing the probe bursting put of me like something from the movie Aliens.
Thanks in advance.