$1000 a day but you blurt put an inner thought once per day

You know how you’re always thinking random things and thinking, man am I glad no one can read my thoughts?

Rules: $1k per day. You blurt out an inner thought once per day.

Could be while you’re at work you say “My boss is such ahole”

Could be on the street to a stranger “damn I’d do nasty things to her”

Could be during a presentation in front of hundreds of people you say that embarrassing thing you did in the 8th grade.

Or it could just be innocuous like while you’re at home you blurt out how tired you are to your wife.

The catch: you must commit for a full year and each year you can decide to end the contract. If you decide to end early before the year is up, you must pay back double what you earned within one year.

If you are not around any humans to hear your thought, your phone will text 10 random people in your contact list your random outburst or post it on Instagram or another social platform.

Do you accept?