Furnace Shuts Off but Blower Stays On

Hey all,

Woke up this morning to see that my house was at 62 degrees instead of the 66 I set it to overnight. But when I walked out to check the thermostat (Nest) it was still on as if it was trying to heat the house. The blower was running but the furnace wasn’t. This has been going on for 2-3 days.

I just put a brand new air filter in the intake 2 days ago and cleaned the Heat Sensor just yesterday morning.

There noticeable clicks sometimes when activating the heat the last few days though. Sometimes one click, sometimes three. Not sure those mean exactly.

Is there anything I can check or do myself before needing to spend money on a Pro?

Equipment is: Nest Learning Thermostat Goodman Furnace

My toddlers room was extremely cold this morning due to this happening and really want to make sure he stays warm at night.

This issue hasn’t happened during the day. Only overnight.

Thanks in advance.