For those of you who hate thw's characterisation you must hate the 1&2 movie characters.

Hi! :D

so as we know A TON of people can't stand the hidden world's characterisation mostly because it didn't take from (the inferior) rtte characterisation.

Well I say if you think that than you must not like how they were portrayed in httyd 2 and httyd.

And that's because How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World takes the characterisation from How To Train Your Dragon 2 and How To Train Your Dragon.

Thus if you don't like it in thw you mustn't like it in httyd and 2.

Also the film team believes 200% this is the canonically correct characterisation not the way the shows did it otherwise they would've just used those.

Plus they say as much that they characterised them this way "Snotlout is the only idiot who would say that." Because they think they got them right all the way back in 2010.

Examples of what I'm talking about:

The riders:

Brad Lewis: The other total thing that we really worked on the balance for in this scene was, because it is a big action scene that our gang, they're funny, right? They're hapless. They don't always do everything perfectly and part of it is reintroducing the audience, or a new audience into what the real tone and fun and inter-relationships are and that these guys are, they can be a bump of lean crew as well as even if they are doing something that looks daring, do.


Dean DeBlois: Some late feedback as well. We ended up cutting a couple of shots that were done and lit that had Tuffnut cracking beard jokes. It just turned out to be a bit too many. Now here again is a completely different look.


Dean DeBlois: We were trying to establish relationships here that we wanted to track through the story. This one is Snotlout wanting to be the prize student and he's doing everything he can to suck up to Valka and then gloat to the others about his status.

Dean DeBlois: From the moment I wrote that joke I figured it would get cut out and strangely it's always gotten a good laugh so-- but it was a groaner from the beginning and we just figured out now that nobody needs to be reminded of Stoick's death in such a callous way.

Brad Lewis: But it sums up Snotlout so clearly. He's the only idiot that would say something like that.


Brad Lewis: I remember when we talked about the decision, should we have Ruffnut captured? Should she be back with Grimmel? We all thought this could be hilarious, right? Because she'd be a tough one and she's so arrogant and full of herself like she is and then Dean, you wrote a really long scene for Kristen to sort of do and riff her way through. What a fun idea, the idea we're gonna take Ruffnut, we're going to stick her in a cage alongside of Grimmel. We'll see what happens.

Dean DeBlois: If I recall correctly, actually, Brad this was your idea that Ruffnut would get left behind as a captive that ultimately he let's go because she's driving him mad. Fun idea.

Brad Lewis: Annoying her way to freedom.

Dean DeBlois: I think people are divided about this scene. Some people who can't stand people who won't stop talking are quite easily irritated by Ruffnut here. But that's exactly the intent. We needed them to understand.

Brad Lewis: Just the veracity of him letting her go and then all within his plan.

Dean DeBlois: Just like having a sequence where you have the pantomime animation and music carry it, it's also nice to have a sequence like this where it's reliant purely on the comedic timing of our actors and some beautiful animation to accompany it.


Dean DeBlois: So of the six flashbacks this second one was the most poignant and the least on the nose in a way. We had some other flashbacks that were maybe a little to relevant to what was going on in the present but this is thematically what the movie's all about. This idea with love comes loss and that it's part of the deal. It's true of life and it's being depicted in our story. It's ultimately, I think, the truth that Hiccup comes to accept and embrace by the end of the movie and with that comes a certain amount of joy. It's part of life moving on.

The riders:

Dean DeBlois: This is also meant to be a payoff of the earlier idea that they as a team don't work very well together without their dragons. And so here they are finally covering each other's backs and working together and saving the dragons instead of the dragons saving them.

Dean DeBlois: Here again is one of the examples of just how well the team is working together.

Dean DeBlois: Once again John Carr, our editor on the team, came up with great ways of cross cutting the action so that we could tell both sides of the story, Hiccup rescuing Toothless and going after the Light Fury and then the team working together on the deck to turn back this armada. Now if you noticed earlier Toothless commands Cloudjumper, Skullcrusher, and Grump to go back to the island, and that's them arriving with Valka, Eret, and Gobber. Very subtle, but that's how we explain how they arrived. The lightning flashes here are just to help set up how Toothless is going to, ultimately, defeat the Deathgrippers. So there's passing storm activity.


Simon Otto: That really made him mad. The worst thing that could happen to him.

Dean DeBlois: Such a silly idea played out for all its worth. A character who can't grow a beard...


Brad Lewis: And that was my favorite shot, Astrid with the backhanded chop, it's just awesome.
Hiccup and Astrid:

Dean DeBlois: And again this was a difficult relationship to get right. We adjusted this several times, the Astrid-Hiccup dynamic so she was just supportive enough without being to sycophantic I guess and at the same time supportive where she could have been judgmental. Just finding that right balance so that she's going along with it but she's letting him know that she doesn't entirely believe in it. And it's just a way of keeping that relationship strong with strong points of view. They respect one another to give each other the space to think and at the same time she'll call him out if she thinks he's leading them astray.

Dean Deblois: This was meant to be a bit of a callback to the first movie as well. Hiccup and Astrid standing on the cliff after Stoick had sailed off with Toothless to find the nest. It's another moment where she's come to his aid when he's feeling most defeated to remind him that he's more than he thinks of himself. He actually has this tenacity in him that was there long before he met Toothless and ultimately she's drudging that up.

Brad Lewis: They're the perfect compliment for one another really. She gives him the tenacity. He wouldn't have it, I don't think, without Astrid, right? That's what she helps light inside him. And I think for her, he helps her not just act like a warrior all the time. He thinks things through. They really are the perfect compliment as a couple. You know, the other thing throughout this story we are trying to set up all of those things so they build to a place where we believe in both of them as a set to lead the Vikings of Berk.


it's a beautiful pantomime sequence of Toothless tracking down the Light Fury after an exhaustive search and he's ready to give up and then he hears that distant sound of her blasting her fireball.

Dean DeBlois: I love the idea that Tuffnut was just in that tent. He just pops out of the tent for no reason. This was one of the gags we we're a little worried about because of course we embrace and celebrate the idea of Hiccup and Gobber and others being heroes with their prosthetics and their amputations but I think this case we didn't know if we had maybe gone too far. That's part of why we screened the movie for the amputee coalition.

Brad Lewis: And that by the way, was the big laugh of the entire screen with them.

And those are just a few things.

So that in mind, these characters are exactly how they were in httyd 2 and httyd, nothing has changed. So why complain about something that didn't change at all betweens movies?

That's why I think people who hate the hidden world's characterisation should hate httyd and httyd 2's characterisation as well but I never see complaints for those JUST thw.

Thank you for reading and have a fantastic day or night!

See you next post.

Your Friend -
