Last House on the Left (1972 vs 2009)
As a HUGE fan of the original, someone PLEASE explain the appeal of the remake? Not only did the original break ground (there were NOT movies coming out like that in 1972), it has amazing characters, intensely disturbing violence, high tragedy and it is ultimately a great time capsule / period piece. I could have done without the police-related comedy relief, but I see why it is there (even if I DON'T like it, I can always appreciate a subtle commentary on the ineffectiveness / incompetence of the pigs!), but that notwithstanding, I found the remake to be exceedingly mediocre and ultimately unnecessary, but there seems to be people who swear by it... Is it just because it was understated and 2000's "cool" without the vulnerability and extremity that comes off as "camp" to some? Someone help me out. I fear it might be a generational thing...