Kaloud Ayara
Firstly i appologize for the delay in posting this. i have gone through 4 filters since last post.
in short, i dont think i can smoke without this filter anymore.
When you smoke without there is a charcoal flavor that comes through that you would never believe is there if you havent smoked with this. each filter lasted a little over 1 month for me, with heavy usage 2 to 3 packs a day. and when the filter isnt effective anymore you feel that charcoal flavor coming through.
A fresh filter is unreal, its the cleanest flavor you can imagine. the filter exterior is some sort of clay and the filter itself is a charcoal type material. activated charcoal i suspect. i dont know why over time the effecriveness goes away but it does and you can tell clearly.
the taller filter is what came with the ayara unit and the shorter one with big hole are their replacement units.
in conclusion your milage will vary, it would be benneficial to buy the replacements at the same time. they state that CO is decreased and i agree with this, ever since i got this i have never had shisha sickness whether empty stomach or dehydrated or not.
The large unit fits a steamulation downstem easy and i use the kaloud auris hose and there is no noticeable increase in resistance. i think this is a must have upgrade for any serious shisha smoker.
one con is that the aluminum unit that is submerged underwater loses the gold color slightly over time. other than that i am super happy with the purchase.