regaining mobility?

is it possible to regain mobility from your youth? about 10 years ago I stopped playing hockey and ofcourse stopped doing my stretches. previously I was able to do the splits. getting back into hockey I've noticed I've lost that ability. ive been doing the stretches i previously did to help prevent injury. also I'm like 50lbs heavier than before mostly muscle (I went thru a gym bro phase) curious if regaining mobility is possible, if not I'll just adapt my game lol

is it possible to regain mobility from your youth? about 10 years ago I stopped playing hockey and ofcourse stopped doing my stretches. previously I was able to do the splits. getting back into hockey I've noticed I've lost that ability. ive been doing the stretches i previously did to help prevent injury. also I'm like 50lbs heavier than before mostly muscle (I went thru a gym bro phase) curious if regaining mobility is possible, if not I'll just adapt my game lol