Your opinion of Aversion - Dare To Dream

How did you find yesterday's event? IMO it was a great atmosphere in the front and Aversion showed how you should do your own event. I prefer multiple stage performances (Aversion Dare To Dream, Frequencerz The Last Run, SZP All 4 One) at your own event over one longer set (e.g. Wildstylez at Timeless last week or Brennan Heart at Eternal) and then never showing up again. His new live act was 30 minutes pure energy. I can't say that there was a bad set. Synergy did a great job too.

A bit sad that it wasn't really full in the back but tbh I didn't see much advertising for Dare To Dream, besides the win games on Appic.

The stage was way better than expected, I think it was more or less the Verknipt stage from the night before with an additional walkways. They had 10 lasers in the front and 6 in the back, all RGB (still a bit irritated by the 20 green lasers in the middle of the Qlimax stage 😐).

Security at the entrance was the same company (44) like at Timeless. Seemed a bit weird with enforcing the bag policy so strong and sending people with packed gymbags back to the lockers outside at P4/P5. Heard about people getting a very intense pat down in their private zones.