Unpopular opinion George was so toxic
I’m rewatching for the 110000 time and this time around I really noticed how toxic and immature George was during the whole George/Meredith sex thing. He acts as if Meredith led him on he knew just like everyone else that she was in love with Derrick he didn’t want to see it and decided to act on it at a time where he knew she was vulnerable and then when it doesn’t end up the way he wants she’s now someone how this awful person that “broke” him? No he had an obsessive crush that ended in a bruised ego and some how that’s all Meredith fault? To make it even better he talks to others like Olivia and Callie about it as if she did this awful thing in reality it was a stupid decision on both parts and didn’t need to be this big deal that last like 8 episodes