Afraid to take Methimazole
Hello everyone, my dad had Graves and TED and went into remission. I've been testing annually for almost 20 years to watch for onset and I finally am diagnosed with Graves. I think I might have mild TED symptoms starting.
I was prescribed methimazole last week and I still haven't taken it. I am terrified of this medication and whatnot can do to your liver, side effects. We have to stop trying to get pregnant basically because it's contraindicated. The alternative med sounded even worse.
Now my mind is straying to trying the AIP instead if meds...can I get some input or experience from folks who took it? Did anyone try AIP and take the med? Will something bad happen if I wait to take it 6 weeks? Does it stop the onset of orbitopathy (TED)?
I stopped gluten and dairy but u don't know if it will actually help. I'm so devastated that I have Graves, maybe I'm just processing.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.