NA Account Recovery Guide
/u/not-e-pluribus-umu made a JP counterpart accessible here: Link
For some reason or another, you happened to lose access to your account. Be it a sloppy transfer, or a mistake copying your transfer code, you no longer have access to your account without resorting to Customer Support. You face with the daunting task of sending emails back and forth, trying to recall the information they ask.
This guide aims to give you an helping hand to make the experience more streamlined and less stressful. JP recently shifted from using their e-mails to an online ticket system, and for the first time, DW has given us the type of information they require to recover your account.
Unfortunately, NA is still NA, and we are still stuck with the e-mail system, instead of the more intuitive ticket system. You still have to compose the e-mail and send it to [email protected] however with a helping hand from JP's customer service hopefully it won't be the case of writing multiple emails over the course of a couple of weeks.
Unlike JP where things are set, NA customer service still has a lot of grey areas, so if you end up using this guide, please share the experience and feedback for further adjustments to the guide.