What are the most popular and played Coop PvE games right now?
Always loved those and was looking for that kind of 'left 4 dead' games, any theme, or setting will do if the game is good, also don't care if its third or first person.
I already played a lot WWZ, Space Marine 2 the pve missions, some Back 4 blood, outriders and things like that.
I was wondering if Destiny 2, Helldivers 2, the division 2 which i haven't played are worth it in 2025 and of course if people know more games like these which i didn't mention which one would you recommend??
I love deep progression and spending tons of hours on these games, used to repeat the same bunch of missions on different difficulties.
I play from a PS5 but since lots of these games have crossplay it doesn't really matter unless it's exclusive.