First time watcher just finished. Thoughts on that finale…

I just finished watching Game Of Thrones. Everyone and their cat warned me that I was going to be disappointed at the ending, and of course I was, but what surprised me at Christmas dinner with my family, is that I seemed to be upset for completely different reasons than everyone else.

I don’t understand why anyone was calling her behaviour madness. She should have burned King’s Landing to the ground way before when she did.

What I was mad about was Tyrion absolutely fucking her over the way he did. After being the only person who gave any respect to him, and judged him based on anything other than his dwarfism, alcoholism and philandering, he spends some time being the most useless hand on the planet — consistently giving her absolutely terrible advice that constantly sets her back from her goal and gets her friends killed, then actively betrays her, then berates her for being pissed off about, and then demands her execution from her own boyfriend.

…and then for some reason he’s given this smug holier than thou edit and big fancy speeches as if he suddenly gives a shit about anyone but himself? He was happy to sit back while his psycho family destroyed the country, but somehow draws the line at Dany? And then in the end pops up on the stage as a prisoner and somehow leads the choice of a new rules? They barely stopped short of having him bend over to show a rainbow gracefully coming out of his arsehole and shining bright above the whole of Westeros.

Ever since I finished the finale (and I’m a great defender of unpopular finales, like Dexter and The Americans) my only takeaway is that Tyrion is a sack of shit, Jon Snow is an absolute moron and Arya’s a smug little cunt. And don’t get me started on how egregious it is that Cersei gets such a happy ending, dying in the arms of her love. But apparently everyone was up in arms about how terribly Dany was for attacking King’s Landing and going “mad”. She’s the only one who behaved as I would have done in that scenario. They left her no choice.

I’d honestly have been more satisfied with Ramsay being the one who comes out of the story with the glory that they bestowed upon Tyrion despite being a sack of shit. At least Ramsay wasn’t a hypocritical wanker.

Surely I can’t be the only person who came out of this show with this outlook, right?

TL:DR — fuck Tyrion