Bad experience with Honey cashback

I often see Honey cashback offers with various stores mentioned on the sub. I was a bit skeptical at first as I've had issues getting PayPal rewards to actually show up on my account in the past but I tired it on a relatively small purchase and it did work successfully. Someone on the sub mentioned that you may have to screenshot your purchase and contact Honey to have it applied. Despite using a separate install of Chrome with no additional extensions besides the Honey extension, I found that I routinely had to do this manual application. Either no offers would apply or only one would (the % cashback for example, but not the offers for each item that I applied). For a few purchases it worked fine, I'd email support with supporting information and they'd apply the offers to my account. Well I recently bought the selvedge jeans from J. Crew a while back with an advertised Honey cashback offer of $25. There were 3 other items in my order that also had a cashback offer. One lower cost item in my cart applied, the $25 one did not. Once the 2 week period Honey wants you to wait and see if it applied passed, I emailed them with the supporting screenshots and documentation to apply the reward. No response (before this, they'd normally respond within a few hours to a day). I thought maybe support was busy, so I waited a few days and tried again. I also tried their chat. No response via email, chat would timeout after the initial greeting from the chat support person.

After multiple attempts and browsing Reddit, I noticed other people mentioned that you sometimes have to escalate the issue to Paypal to get a response. I also complained to the FTC and my state attorney general's office. FTC did not contact Paypal or Honey on my behalf, but the attorney general's office did. After about a month, I got a response telling me that due to the amount of manual cashbacks to my account they decided to suspend my account, also that they did not inform me because it was supposedly "not safe" to inform me as I committed so much abuse of the system.

Here's some words copied from the letter:

On April 18, 2024, we carefully considered a number of factors that, when viewed together, indicated there was a high level of risk associated with your Honey Account. Specifically, we confirmed that you were applying for a higher than average number of manual credits. On that same day, we determined we were unable to mitigate the risk associated with your Honey Account.

As a result, PayPal decided to place a permanent suspension on your Honey Account and no longer provide Honey rewards to you as the level of risk associated with your Honey Account is too great.

Please note, according to PayPal Honey terms of use, “Offers, coupons, and discount codes are provided subject to availability. Exclusions, restrictions, and terms and conditions (including thirdparty merchant exclusions, restrictions, and terms and conditions) may apply. Deals change often, and due to this, your application of offers, coupons and discount codes at checkout may or may not result in savings for your order.”

According to the Description of Service section of the Honey Terms of Use, “We make money to sustain the Service when you purchase or engage with these offers.” When points are credited manually, Honey does not get paid and therefore, this practice cannot be sustained. The intent of the service is that points will be credited automatically via the purchase and the third party merchant delivering those exclusive offers and savings to Honey, who then passes them along to our users. Honey has already awarded four manual credits within three months, representing a total of 62.50% of the lifetime earnings for your Honey Account.

It is also important to note, according to the Ending Your Relationship section of the Honey Terms of Use, “PayPal may immediately, at any time, terminate this Agreement (and therefore your right to access and use the Service) by notifying you (if safe to do so) to the e-mail address provided by you as part of your Registration Information.” Because we determined there was manual credit abuse, we decided it was not safe to communicate our decision with you at that time.

I know it has been mentioned various places both here on Reddit and on the Paypal support forums that others have trouble getting the credits to apply automatically. Has anyone else had their account suspended or had any experience with this? Is there anything I can do to reverse or remedy the situation? This seems fraudulent to me. As of today, my supposedly terminated account has zero indication of it when I log in. Since the date they claim they terminated the account, I continue to receive promotional emails from Honey (but no responses from an actual human), and the extension still presents me with offers (while logged in to this terminated account). I can only assume they intend to continue harvesting my data and lead me to believe I can receive rewards but ghost me when I try to get them.