PK bad or good?

Before I start I want yall to give me your opinion on PK before I present my argument then we'll see if it changes after you read this. (sorry for the long text) In my opinion PK is like B tier, she can build up damage quickly, she can catch people off guard with the stealth feat in dominion for an ez gb (which she goes into offensive mode cuz of the bleed, which allows for more pressure), her enhanced lights on O.M. are key, and so are her unblocakbles. Her gb is insane in terms of dmg, and her zone is pretty solid in terms of dmg, combo potential and minion clearing. Now for the bad things, her heavy damage is whack, like, I've had revenge heavies deal 17 dmg, her dodge heavies are kinda hit or miss, they are good because they make openings in the enemies defense if they go angy mode, but at the same time they deal toothpick dmg. Feats, her feats are pretty good I'd say. So for tier 1, stealth is a pretty good option as I mentioned earlier because it allows for pretty cool ambushes such as hiding in the minions and smacking anyone trying to clear, hiding behind some barrels for an easy ambush against flankers, it makes it easier to cap any points that aren't guarded while going unnoticed, and so is bounty hunter for survivability reasons. Her tier 2's are ok, thick skin is good for survivability but so is executioner's respite, fiat lux is just bad imo. Her tier 3's are nice, sharpened blade can melt enemies if you use it at the right time, and crossbow is good for some cheap shots or sneaky snipes. Her tier 4's are good as well, I think fear itself (I think she has that if not then my bad I haven't played in a while) is a pretty good option in gank fights cuz it can help you and the team melt enemies at a way faster rate, catapult is meh, and last laugh is best since you can literally let yourself get hit with an external and fuck up anyone near where you died, or kill any low health people when you inevitably die in a gank against 2 shugokis, 1 highlander and a gryphon. And her main downside, reflex guard, I'm not gonna go on a rant now that I know about the subreddit for that thanks to a kind mod. So yea I'd say PK is solid, but she requires more skill to use than gryphon or kensei monke men. What do yall think about PK after this argument? Think she is still bad, or is she good? Leave your opinions in the comments!

Edit: I totally forgot about her deflect. It's pretty good at creating openings and dealing dmg but it gets fucked by hyper armor.