Idea for a fan game

You play as William Afton when he was about 10-13 (so let's say this takes place in like 1955-1958) where you are locked in your room by your/his parents (in this timeline his parents are really abusive) and the goal of the game is to find a way to escape your room by solving stuff (puzzles, secret codes, etc.) without getting caught by only two animatronics which are a metaphor for his parents. The animatronic used to represent the father Is a tall slender figure with a suit and tie on and the animatronic used to represent the mother is a short and fat figure with a pink dress on. Each night the puzzles required to finish the night get harder each night. If you don't finish it by 6:00am you fail anyways.

(Some minor details in the game are when william reaches out for something or when his arms are in frame at all, you can see slash marks on them, when he looks in the mirror of his room, his eyes are bloodshot red and a bit shiny due to crying, as the night goes on you can see hair falling out due to stress.) (btw its a free roam game so you can walk around the room and all that)