Thracia 776 is very famous for its unique mechanics, wild design choices and...odd balancing. Assuming that it was remade (either together with, or separate from, its very different sister game Genealogy of the Holy War), how would you craft your IDEAL remake, while minding newer players as well?

Personally, I would probably at least focus on a few things that come to mind:

1) Keeping unique mechanics, such as Capture intact, but with some alterations (I feel like Capture itself is a bit annoying to learn despite all the good Capturing units you have, at least for beginners). Things like Scrolls, Leadership/Movement Stars and Movement Growths are great and should be kept intact too.

2) Some of the more unfair mechanics/Chapters should get some fixes to not cause unneeded frustration, especially for newer players. Maybe the biggest example is the Chapter 24x warp tiles. Also, there are a number of other obnoxious parts in the game, such as Gomez, the boss of Chapter 8x being WAY too hard to kill (or, worse, Capture).

3) I think there should be a number of difficulty options that provide very different experiences. I'd particularly like the hardest difficulty to be a massive brain twister so the player would really have to immerse themselves in the unique mechanics, yet manageable with worse units as long as you use your resouces like Eyvel and Finn properly. Also, I'd like Paragon Mode (permanent doubled EXP gain for all units) to be an optional toggle for ALL difficulties and for there to be a choice between Random/Fixed Growths (at least after beating the game at least one time).

4) Keep in really strong options like Osian's Vouge Axe (buff up Halvan as well while you're at it) and the extremely powerful Staves. However, some nerfs might be warranted if they're just a bit too strong.

Personally, I would probably at least focus on a few things that come to mind:

1) Keeping unique mechanics, such as Capture intact, but with some alterations (I feel like Capture itself is a bit annoying to learn despite all the good Capturing units you have, at least for beginners). Things like Scrolls, Leadership/Movement Stars and Movement Growths are great and should be kept intact too.

2) Some of the more unfair mechanics/Chapters should get some fixes to not cause unneeded frustration, especially for newer players. Maybe the biggest example is the Chapter 24x warp tiles. Also, there are a number of other obnoxious parts in the game, such as Gomez, the boss of Chapter 8x being WAY too hard to kill (or, worse, Capture).

3) I think there should be a number of difficulty options that provide very different experiences. I'd particularly like the hardest difficulty to be a massive brain twister so the player would really have to immerse themselves in the unique mechanics, yet manageable with worse units as long as you use your resouces like Eyvel and Finn properly. Also, I'd like Paragon Mode (permanent doubled EXP gain for all units) to be an optional toggle for ALL difficulties and for there to be a choice between Random/Fixed Growths (at least after beating the game at least one time).

4) Keep in really strong options like Osian's Vouge Axe (buff up Halvan as well while you're at it) and the extremely powerful Staves. However, some nerfs might be warranted if they're just a bit too strong.