Looking to buy a bad fantasy team.
Title says it all! Are you in last place in your fantasy league and miserable? Do you wish you had spent that buy in money on a Christmas gift for your Gf?
I am here to help. I am looking for a tire fire garbage team to buy with real cash. I want to try and rehab it to making the playoffs as a content series for my youtube channel. Am I an idiot? Probably, but to my 301 subscribers I am THEIR idiot.
Detailed Rules for entry in the video, must be h2h, categories league on yahoo or ESPN with a cash buy in/prize
Looking forward to what you guys come up withbuying a bad team
Edit: I bought one team so far for $130! Still willing to buy up to another $370
The guy who created the Fantasy Wzrd chrome extension reached out to me and sold me the worst team in his league! I really respect his work so I snapped it.
Still buying the number one liked team on the YT comments.
Thanks guys!!! This post got crazy love! Im going to do my best to make it entertaining.