I dislike my family.
Everday at school i want to go home but i hate it at home because my family is there. My siblings are horrible. I dont know whay ive done wrong to them that they hate me. I know people say yh theyre siblings they fight and stuff but still. They say the rudest things and hurt me the most. Being siblings doesnt mean you can hurt each other like that. Every time i see my siblings i remember everything theyve said to me and i feel like breaking down again. I csnt cry infront of them or they laugh and keep bring it up. I csnt talk about my feelings or theyll talk shit sbout me. My parents rely on me to be independent and considerate too. They want to to stay quiet and deal with it. I feel like a animal living woth them what csn i do though i dont earn enough. They make me feel like i dont deserve to be born or to die.