Treatments since ETD began 😔


Hi there,

2.5 months now began having what 4 ENTs now believe is ETD, however they all have different reasons as to where it stemmed from so I need help.

My symptoms began as: Tinnitus, SSHL, unable to equalize pressure only on left ear.

Ent1: allergies, weather change, had me take ClaritinD, Flonase. No difference in symptoms within the 1-2 weeks. EnT2: prescribed Predisone to help with any inflammation (tapering now and it’s awful) he was probably the one who only suggested my mild hearing loss could be related but is unsure what to make of any of symptoms 😟 Ent3: put a camera into my nose and throat and found mucus and inflammation in my throat and back of nose, suspects this is LPR/GERD. She placed me on antiacids for 3 months. Believes this is what’s causing my ETD. ENT4: believes sleep apnea or some sort of cardiovascular condition is causing this issue. Is requesting a sleep study.

So far what I’ve tried is. ClaritinD, ZyrtecD, Flonase, 2 rounds of Predisone and antiacids. Staying away from caffeine, salt and spicy foods. I’m able to get my tubes to equalize by maneuvering my jaw but I also have to use a warm compress and sometimes it’s better than other times. The biggest thing for me is the tinnitus. That has drove me to bouts of anxiety and depression. Of course combine that with the prednisone and it’s not good at all.

I’m just looking for any kind of feedback on this particular situation. You guys are amazing. 🙏