Routine Consults on Admission

Currently working at a shop where every consult is performed by the ER doc. Pt with a kidney stone? Call urology before we can admit. Sepsis? Call ID before we can admit. ACS rule out? Call cardiology before we can admit. Needs neurology to adjust seiuzre meds? Call neurology before we can admit. Hemoccult positive elderly pt without frank blood? Call GI before we can admit. Hip fracture? You need to call ortho before I'll admit.

I understand the need to call the specialist for emergencies. STEMI? Cardiology. Stroke? Neuro. LVO? Neuro IR. etc. etc.

But it's burdensome when the hospitalist can't just call the specialist on call, especially in cases where they're the ones who deem the consult necessary. Then on the other hand I have some specialists tell me that I should never call them unless it's a stat consult, to let the hospitalists manage routine ones.

How does it work in your shop? Are you ordering every routine consult prior to admission? Or do your hospitalists accept the admit and manage that part themselves?