Lounge Chair Finish
The wife and I just took possession of her family’s lounge chairs. They were purchased by her grandfather for a corporate office either in the very late eighties or early nineties. The family has always claimed the leather was custom and that they were made in the last year rosewood was offered.
My first time seeing them together was just before Christmas and my heart sank a little. I grew up in sect of the antique business where old finish and patina were king. That said, I know it’s a little different in the MCM market. As long as my wife’s aunt has been the custodian of these chairs, she has been daring to rework them. We’re not sure exactly when the shells on the right got messed with, or if it was the aunt or an older refinish (she denied it). I doubt very highly that they didn’t match a custom order at the factory.
What would you do? Sell one? Refinish one? Both? We don’t really have the room for them to be side by side, but might one day. I would trust myself to lay a new finish on it, but can’t find any agreement online for a formula/notes on method. Does this look like rosewood to you? I understand that this black label was discontinued in 1990.