Who else as DPDR from LSD ?
I have it visually,
I’ve used LSD fine for months.
Till one day I decided to go 3 days sleep deprived for no reason.
Then thought it would be a good idea to take LSD and see if it gives me some ultra effects.
And it lead to complete body dissocation to a point I became extremely stupid for hours.
Intense confusion and delirium I think. It’s the most wildest fucken trips ever because what I was hearing and seeing was so fucken different from what lsd actaully is. Everything became completely distorted I couldent comprehend anything.
Like I’m sure i hallucinated some shit that I can’t comprehend in the sense of delirium not psychotic.
And auditory became so fucken scary I cudent predict it.
Now I’m left derealization or dpdr or both.