24 hours deep into this and I still have absolutely no idea what is going on.
I've been playing video games since 1986. I've raided in WoW in a top 100 EU guild, I've ranked in FPS games like CS:GO and Apex Legends.
What in the hell is going on with Destiny? The entire experience from buying the legacy pack onwards has been one of the most miserable, confusing experiences of my life. I just hit 24 hours played and I have no idea what the fuck is going on.
I can tell that this game has some incredible lore and story, but for some reason no one wants to tell me it.
Well done Bungie, you stole £20 from me, the game is now uninstalled. I fell for the trap and you now have my hard earned cash.
I have no words for how badly designed this game is for a new player. Maybe that's deliberate.