
My fiancée is very depressed. He got laid off of work in December and started heavily drinking. He admitted to me a couple days ago he’s depressed. He lashed out at me over the weekend because something broke and I asked for help fixing it. He’s not playing video games or talking to anyone. He admitted to shutting me out because he doesn’t want to bother me. Today he broke down crying saying he doesn’t care anymore and I could do was hold him while he cried.

When he was a teenager he used to cut himself from depression, but in the 8 years we’ve been together I’ve never seen him like this.

His sister is a therapist and I’m wondering if I should reach out to her. I think he really wants his dad’s support because today he said “my dad doesn’t fucking care” when he was breaking down. He was mostly raised by his grandparents and they passed away years ago, and he was talking about how much he missed them. How do I support him?

Also, he’s not eating much either. I asked if he wanted to go talk to someone and he said no.