I'm taking a break from this sub.
I just can't deal with this shit much longer. For the last two months and every day after the episode came out it's been the same absurdly unfunny memes posted 50 times every fucking hour.
If I see another "hey guys look multiversal ice 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯" or another "hey everyone this series that is in no way comparable to GoW has anti-feats so that makes them null and void for Kratos and double standards" I'm going to fucking lose it.
Like I was about to make a very passive aggressive meme post about how this has been one of the most agitating and annoying waiting period and aftermaths every in death battle history,except I deleted it because it came off as mean spirited and I don't want to be starting drama.
It gotten to the point where I legitimate wish Kratos or Asura fought literally any of there alts instead of each other because of how people were acting during the waiting period and aftermath. Like the best thing about the waiting period is that it actually got me to play a couple GoW games and like Kratos as character.
I'm just tired of all the unnecessary/exaggerated complaing about an episode I enjoyed. Yes it's far from flawless and was definitely overhyped but come on it wasn't atrocious now.
I could ramble on for way longer execpt there wouldn't be a point since to most what I would say would come off as whinny or bias since I like Kratos more than Asura and I feel like some people equate all GoW powerscalers to the super annoying ones that would be not stop pestering the devs on Twitter to buff their verse with very vague and badly explained powerscaling question,when during the waiting period I didn't see that many people actually being that annoying (not saying there wasn't ANYONE execpt this also goes from some Asura fans and acting like one annoying person is the entire side arguing for a character winning is not fair,and again this also goes for Asura fans I did genuinely see alot of them think Asura won even with lore statement Kratos and not be annoying about it.
So yeah that's it,I'll be around until the end of the day if people have question,but after that I'm gonna stay off this sub until Ghost riders analysis comes out next week.
Have a nice day everyone thanks for reading.