5.7.0 PTB Megathread
- Progress & save data information has been copied from the Live game to our PTB servers on March 29th. Please note that players will be able to progress for the duration of the PTB, but none of that progress will make it back to the Live version of the game.
- UI Update - Added an indicator to the Searching for Friends popup when loading data.
- Visual Update for the Haddonfield Map.
Difficulty ratings for Survivors have been removed
Difficulty ratings for Killers are now Easy, Moderate, Hard, or Very Hard
Easy: These Killers are the easiest for a first-time player
Moderate: Require the player to be comfortable with the basics of the role, though the Killers share common mechanics with those from the Easy category
Hard: Use mechanics that are specific to the Killer and require more practice to be effective
Very Hard: Require a high amount of practice and understanding, inexperienced players would likely find little success when using them
Dev Note: Since all Survivors have the same mechanics, they are no longer separated into different difficulty tiers. Killer difficulty is based on overall mechanical and strategic complexity, specifically for newer players.
Hemorrhage Rework
New Effect: Survivors affected by the Hemorrhage Status Effect have their healing progression regress at a steady rate when not being healed
Healing regresses at a rate of 7% per second (this means a 99% full heal would take 14 seconds to completely empty)
Sloppy Butcher and The Nightmare's "Z" Block Add-on have been modified to take the new effect into account (changes listed below)
Dev Note: Hemorrhage has had a reputation of being a "useless" status effect, so we reworked it to have a more meaningful impact on the core mechanic of survivor healing.
Boil Over
Increases struggling effects by 60/70/80% (was 50/75/100%)
Dev Note: Boil Over's wiggle impact was causing some players to have significant issues navigating certain maps, beyond the intended impact of the perk. We are planning to look at wiggle impact more generally in a future patch, but for now we are toning down the impact from Boil Over to prevent particularly egregious cases.
Boon: Circle of Healing
Increases healing speed bonus by 40/45/50% (was 65/70/75%)
Dev Note: As it was foretold, so it has been delivered.
Sloppy Butcher
Modified to account for the Hemorrhage Rework
Increases the rate at which healing progression is lost by 15/20/25% (was increasing bleeding frequency by 50/75/100%)
The Nightmare
Add-on - "Z" Block
Modified to account for the Hemorrhage Rework
Survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Hemorrhage Status Effect for 90 seconds (was 60 seconds, no longer causes them to bleed when healthy)
The Legion
The Legion now has unique Terror Radius and Chase music, which can be modified by the Mix Tape add-ons
New: Each successful hit with Feral Slash now increases The Legion's movement speed by +0.2m/s for the remainder of Feral Frenzy
New: After 4 successful hits with Feral Slash, the next Feral Slash will put the survivor into the dying state and end Feral Frenzy When Feral Frenzy ends, the power gauge now starts charging immediately (Previously waited for the fatigue sequence to end) Fatigue after Feral Frenzy lasts for 3 seconds (was 4 seconds)
Add-on - Mischief List
Increases the Duration of Feral Frenzy by 2 seconds (was 1 second)
Add-on - Scratched Ruler
Decreases Feral Frenzy recharge time by 5 seconds (was 2 seconds)
Add-on - Suzie's Mix Tape
Increases Killer Instinct detection range by 20 meters (was 16 meters)
Add-on - Filthy Blade
Increases time required for Survivors to mend by 4 seconds (was 2.5 seconds)
Add-on - Iridescent Button
Removed effect where Terror Radius extends to the entire map
Reworked Add-on - Friendship Bracelet
Increases duration of lunges during Feral Frenzy by 0.3 seconds
Reworked Add-on - Smiley Face Pin
Survivors who self-mend a Deep Wound from Feral Frenzy are inflicted with Blindness for 60 seconds
Reworked Add-on - Defaced Smiley Pin
Survivors who self-mend a Deep Wound from Feral Frenzy are inflicted with Mangled
Reworked Add-on - Etched Ruler
Survivors who self-mend a Deep Wound from Feral Frenzy are inflicted with Oblivious for 60 seconds
Reworked Add-on - Julie's Mix Tape
While using Feral Frenzy: Breaking walls is 30% faster, the power gauge pauses while breaking a wall
Reworked Add-on - Mural Sketch
Increases Speed Boost per hit during Feral Frenzy to 0.3m/s
Reworked Add-on - Never-sleep Pills
The Legion's base move speed during Feral Frenzy is 4.6/ms
Increases the duration of Feral Frenzy by 10 seconds
Gain 100 to 500 bonus Bloodpoints for each successive hit on a Survivor during Feral Frenzy
Reworked Add-on - Joey's Mix Tape
Survivors who self-mend a Deep Wound from Feral Frenzy are inflicted with Hemorrhage until fully healed
Reworked Add-on - Stolen Sketchbook
Sets the power gauge reduction on basic attack hits to 2.5 seconds
Reworked Add-on - The Legion Pin
Survivors who self-mend a Deep Wound from Feral Frenzy are inflicted with Broken for 60 seconds
Reworked Add-on - Frank's Mix Tape
While using Feral Frenzy: Damaging generators is 20% faster, the power gauge pauses while damaging a generator
Reworked Add-on - Fuming Mix Tape
While using Feral Frenzy: The repair progress of generators can be determined by the intensity of their auras, generators not being worked on regress
Note: Regression effect does stack with Hex: Ruin or other regression effects
New Add-on - Stylish Sunglasses
Shows the auras of Survivors who are mending within a 24 meter radius
New Add-on - BFFs
Earn tokens for hitting Survivors during Feral Frenzy
Second chained hit: 1 token
Third chained hit: 2 tokens
Fourth chained hit: 3 tokens
Fifth chained hit: 4 tokens
Once the gates are powered, if 30 or more tokens have been collected, gain a 4% movement speed boost when not using Feral Frenzy
Removed Add-ons: Nasty Blade, Cold Dirt
Dev Note: This update for Legion leans into their signature - Running really fast with a knife! The stacking movement speed from Feral Strike gives a better reward from each hit, and they now have a way to down survivors at the end of a great chain. Add-ons have also seen a major overhaul to provide more variety of playstyles.
The Ghost Face
The Ghost Face can no longer be revealed by Marked Survivors
Marked now lasts for 60 seconds (was 45 seconds)
The Ghost Face now has unique Terror Radius and Chase music
Reviewed the technical implementation of the stalk and reveal mechanics
Fixed an issue that could lead some player's reveal to be ignored completely when multiple survivors are revealing at the same time
Reveal progress will now regress over a short time when a survivor loses sight of Ghost Face and resume when revealing starts again (Previously, losing sight of Ghost Face for a single frame would cause all reveal progress to be lost)
Added in differentiation of the sighting zone (the zone in your screen where the target must be to be revealed or stalked) for killers and survivors to better account for the differences between 1st and 3rd person cameras
Made it possible to reveal Ghost Face / stalk Survivors when they are not in the center of the screen but still take up a large amount of the screen (eg when they are very close to you)
Fixed some issues which caused the stalk / reveal sighting zone to scale incorrectly on non-16:9 resolutions
Add-on - Cheap Cologne
Increases Marked duration by 10 seconds (was 5 seconds)
Add-on - Headline Cutouts
Increases movement speed while stalking by 40% (was 10%)
Add-on - Walleye's Matchbook
Decreases Night Shroud recovery time by 6 seconds (was 2 seconds)
Add-on - Marked Map
Increases duration of Killer Instinct after being revealed by 2 seconds (was 1 second)
Add-on - Leather Knife Sheath
Increases crouched movement speed by 10% (was 5.6%)
Add-on - Outdoor Security Camera
The auras of all Survivors are revealed for 7 seconds when a Marked Survivor is put into the dying state (was 4 seconds) Now applies to all survivors (was limited to Survivors inside the Terror Radius)
Reworked Add-on - "Philly"
Decreases time required to Mark a Survivor by 20%
Reworked Add-on - Cinch Straps
Night Shroud remains active after a failed basic attack
Reworked Add-on - Olsen's Address Book
Survivors that are Marked reveal their auras for 5 seconds when performing rushed actions
Reworked Add-on - Olsen's Journal
A Survivor that is Marked is inflicted with Oblivious until the Mark expires
Reworked Add-on - Telephoto Lens
A Survivor that reveals The Ghost Face is inflicted with Oblivious for 60 seconds
Reworked Add-on - Chewed Pen
Survivors that are in the dying state take 3 seconds to reveal The Ghost Face
Reworked Add-on - Knife Belt Clip
Reduces the Terror Radius by 8 meters when crouching
Reworked Add-on - Lasting Perfume
Survivors that are on a hook take 3 seconds to reveal The Ghost Face
Reworked Add-on - Olsen's Wallet
Breaking a pallet or wall immediately recharges Night Shroud
Reworked Add-on - Drop-Leg Knife Sheath
The Ghost Face gains 10% movement speed for 5 seconds after Marking a Survivor
Reworked Add-on - Night Vision Monocular
A Survivor that reveals The Ghost Face is inflicted with Exhausted for 5 seconds
Reworked Add-on - Victim's Detailed Routine
After being Marked, Survivors are inflicted with Exhausted for 5 seconds
Reworked Add-on - "Ghost Face caught on Tape"
Instantly recharges Night Shroud after a successful basic attack puts a Survivor into the dying state
Dev Note: Ghost Face was having a tough time generally, and his add-ons were particularly uninteresting overall. This change boosts the effectiveness of the Marked effect, and also overhauls his Add-on loadout for more interesting and powerful combinations. The reveal and stalking mechanics have also been tuned to be more predictable and intuitive.
The Archives
Changed instances of Roman numerals in Tome names to Arabic numerals in all related contexts
Reworked the description texts of Glyph Challenges and Dual Role challenges to make them consistent and clearer
Engine Update And Download Size
We continued to improve our patching process in an attempt to reduce download size during an update. However, due to an engine update, expect a bigger than usual download this time.
Dev Note: In this PTB we are introducing an engine update, which might lead to some new type of crashes. In order for the team to investigate those properly we ask you to please attach your DbD log and dxdiag file when you are reporting a crash that appeared during this PTB.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused the shower drain leak VFX to float slightly above the floor in the Léry showers.
Fixed an issue that caused floating debris from breakable walls to be visible when one side has a noticeable slope in elevation.
Fixed an issue that caused Ace's Trilby hats to clip through his head on the killer side when in the dream world.
Fixed an issue that caused the sleep VFX to flicker on Jake when wearing the Western Wrangler torso.
Fixed an issue that caused the dream state outline to clip into Nea’s default torso in various animations.
Fixed an issue that caused Yun-Jin's 'Lunar Hanbok' torso customization to flicker when in the dream world.
Fixed an issue that caused the Dream world sky on Coldwind Farm to have unusual lines in the grainy texture.
Fixed an issue that caused some visual corruption in the sky on Haddonfield when in the Dream World.
Fixed an issue that caused the Onryo's legs to clip through the backside of the TV after projecting.
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused subtitles for Ash to be displayed when selecting another survivor.
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the survivor settings from the 'Play as Survivor' lobby to be carried over to the custom game lobby.
Fixed an issue that caused custom game lobby warning messages to not be displayed.
Fixed a hardlock when minimizing the Game during a Loading screen after a match.
Fixed an incorrect formatting on tutorial messages when the screen resolution is lower than 100%.
Fixed an issue with a wrong UI prompt "Scroll List" appearing in the Support menu.
Fixed an issue with the controller "Pause" button not able to close the Pause/Overlay Menu.
Fixed an issue where the report button was not disabled for a Custom Game in the Tally screen.
Fixed an issue in the Archives Compendium section where the tooltip was not showing if an active node has been completed.
Fixed an issue that caused projectiles passing through Thompson's House windows when thrown from the inside of the building.
Fixed an issue that caused survivors dying in the Executioner's Cage of Atonement to be considered killed instead of sacrificed, leading to various side effects.
Fixed an issue that caused the Executioner's Torment VFX to remain visible after killing a survivor by Mori or Final Judgement.
Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be stuck in T-pose when Adrenaline triggers while in a Cage of Atonement.
Fixed an issue that caused survivors to be momentarily shown as crawling after being rescued from a Cage of Atonement.
Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare to be prevented from putting down another Dream Snare when standing on one.
Fixed an issue that caused the Artists Crows to despawn immediately when spawned near the exit gates on the Léry's Memorial Institute - Treatment Theatre map.
Fixed an issue that caused the Cenobite's chains to hit a collision over survivors in the dying state.
Fixed an issue that may cause the Wraith to appear invisible to survivors while uncloaked.
Fixed an issue that may cause the Wraith to be visible while cloaked after cancelling the damage generator interaction when equipped with the The Serpent - Soot add-on.
Fixed an issue that caused the Cannibal's Shop Lubricant add-on not to hide the aura of survivors downed with the chainsaw.
Fixed an issue that caused Victor to be missing from the match results screen.
Fixed an issue that caused the Hag's traps not to be triggered when a survivor in the dying state is on the trap.
Fixed an issue that caused the Hag's Disfigured Ear add-on not to deafen the survivor.
Fixed an issue that caused failing to unhook a survivor during the Struggle phase to reset their skill check progress.
Fixed an issue that caused Dance with Me's cooldown not to be shown on the perk's icon.
Fixed an issue that caused the Shape's standing mori to not be usable against survivors using the Clairvoyance interaction.
Fixed an issue that caused the Clairvoyance's interaction not to end when put into the dying state.
Fixed an issue that caused the Boil Over icon to be missing on the killer's side when carrying a survivor equipped with the perk.
Fixed an issue that made it impossible to pick up survivors put in the dying state in front of a locker in the Killer basement.
Fixed an issue that caused the screaming animation to be played twice when passing from the injured to the dying state while screaming.
Fixed an issue that caused the Modern Tale theme to keep playing when equipping cosmetics not in the collection.
Fixed an issue that caused the weapon of the Plague to become invisible in the middle of a basic attack swing.
Fixed an issue that occasionally caused survivor deafness at the start of a trial
Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the Demogorgon scream from triggering after a missed pounced.
Fixed an issue that caused survivors to hear Ghost Face's reveal sfx to play map-wide.
Fixed an issue that caused visceral cankers to prevent sliding doors from opening.
Fixed an issue that prevented the text "The Onryo" from being accepted in Crowd Choice.
Fixed an issue that caused game to disconnect during Steam maintenance.
Fixed an issue that caused survivor to go invisible when switching between lobby and store.
Fixed an issue that prevented the purchasing of DLC characters and auric cells.
Fixed an issue that caused mouse slow down after closing the game.
Fixed an issue that gave incorrect disconnection penalty.
Fixed an issue that caused friend list to not update properly.
Known Issues
Activating the Wiggle Beta Tab does not activate the wiggle skill checks
The Shape can continue to stalk after reaching Evil Within Tier 3.
The health bar outro animation is missing upon depleting a med-kit while healing yourself when under the Hemorrhage effect.
Healing progression regresses when missing a skill check while healing a survivor affected with Hemorrhage.
In Haddonfield map, downing a Survivor next to a fence prevents the Killer from picking up the Survivor.