Asking out a work colleague

Ok so there's this girl who has not long started working at the same company I do (maybe working here for a month and I instantly took a shine to her, she just seems amazing in my eyes. We're both similar ages in our mid twenties and as cringe as it sounds I have loved going to work a lot more since she's started, she just brightens up my day. I really want to ask her out but I don't have much experience with this my last time asking a girl out was in high school, which did go well to be honest but other than that I have no other experience. I am one of the trainers for my company and I was assigned to train her as a new start for the first week of her new job and to help her with any difficulties she has as she settles in. This is the first problem I have which is causing me some anxiety because although I really want to ask her out I don't want to put her in the situation where she feels uncomfortable or has any pressure what so ever placed on her due to me being somewhat responsible for "managing" her at the moment, if that's the right word. I want her to be comfortable saying no and for my current role to not influence or place pressure on her.

This whole asking a girl out is also pretty new to me as asking a girl out in high school is a lot different than asking a girl out as an adult. I don't even know where to start or how to approach it. I mean I barely know anything about this girl all be it we talk every day. But it's usually me who initiates conversations I just find any excuse I can to chat, but it's usually just work stuff all be it the conversation does flow. I am completely oblivious to wether or not she is even interested in me in the slightest i am useless at reading signs. I also am really struggling with the whole when's the right time situation. I mean should I wait a week, month, 3 months? Is there a timescale for this kind of thing?. The main points I'm looking for advice on are: * How to ask her out without sounding creepy * How to ask her out without her feeling pressured * How to initiate more personal conversation e.g. not work talk * How long should I get to know her before asking her out.

Any examples and advice you can give would be greatly appreciated as even the thought of asking her out makes me super nervous.

Thank you.