Severe Dandruff, Need Tips

Hey everyone. I've never posted on here but I've kinda gotten to a point of genuine desperation with my dandruff situation.

I've had dandruff, at varying levels but always bad, for 7 or so years now. It's not hyperbole to say I've tried everything. Doctor prescribed shampoos, dermatologist recommended routines, buzz cut, hydration, every shampoo/conditioner combo in the book, oils, you name it. I can sincerely say to you all I have tried everything in my power to fix this, and in this picture taken just days ago, this is the result.

This isn't even an extraordinary amount of dander for me. This is normal.

If any of you have tips that can help me, I'd sincerely appreciate it. This has been a problem for me for years and I've kinda reached a breaking point where I feel there's nothing I can do. Thank you.

Hey everyone. I've never posted on here but I've kinda gotten to a point of genuine desperation with my dandruff situation.

I've had dandruff, at varying levels but always bad, for 7 or so years now. It's not hyperbole to say I've tried everything. Doctor prescribed shampoos, dermatologist recommended routines, buzz cut, hydration, every shampoo/conditioner combo in the book, oils, you name it. I can sincerely say to you all I have tried everything in my power to fix this, and in this picture taken just days ago, this is the result.

This isn't even an extraordinary amount of dander for me. This is normal.

If any of you have tips that can help me, I'd sincerely appreciate it. This has been a problem for me for years and I've kinda reached a breaking point where I feel there's nothing I can do. Thank you.