r/CreateARoster Builds Multiversus Part 21: Free Day+ Stage 19 (Bruisers Are Full)


12 Characters Per Class, until the Final Two

The two most upvoted comments gets in

Must include characters that are Owned and Created By Warner Bros and companies/franchises that they own

Must include what class they would be: Brusier, Tank, Mage or Assassin

Limiting 5 Characters per specific franchises

No Downvoting

2 Characters per user Max

Optional Choice: If you tell me how they would play I’ll give you a bonus upvote

Stages aren’t themed but they have to make sense with the platforming game style

More Rules To Be Added


Bugs Bunny: Bruiser: Looney Tunes

Ben Tennyson: Tank: Ben 10

Wonder Woman: Tank, DC

Lapis Lazuli, Mage, Steve Universe

Joker: Mage, DC

Sauron: Tank, Lord Of The Rings

Godzilla, Tank, Monsterverse

Marceline, Bruiser, Adventure Time

Courage, Assassin, Courage The Cowardly Dog

Powerpuff Girls, Tank, Powerpuff Girls

Boo Boo, Brusier, Hannah Barbara

Gizmo, Mage, Gremlins

Samurai Jack, Assassin, Samurai Jack

Harley Quinn, Assassin, DC

Batman, Bruiser, DC

Superman, Tank, DC

Freddy Krueger, Mage, Nightmare On Elm Street

King Kong, Brusier, Monsterverse

Harry Potter, Mage, Harry Potter

Voldemort, Mage, Harry Potter

Ash Ketchum, Mage, Pokémon

Goku, Brusier, Dragonball

Jason, Tank, Friday The 13th

Audrey II, Tank, Little Shop Of Horrors

Fred Flintstone, Brusier, Hannah Barbara

Shaggy, Bruiser, Hannah Barbara

Scooby Doo, Assassin, Hannah Barbara

Tom and Jerry, Mage, Tom and Jerry

Wicked Witch, Mage, Oz

Nicole Watterson, Bruiser, Amazing World Of Gumball

Arya, Assassin, Game Of Thrones

Daenerys, Assassin, Game Of Thrones

Legolas/Gimli, Assassin/Tank, Lord Of The Rings

Gandalf, Mage, Lord Of The Rings

Rick, Mage, Rick & Morty

Mr Frog, Bruiser, Smiling Friends

Wile, Assassin, Looney Tunes

Daffy, Bruiser, Looney Tunes

Scorpion, Brusier, Mortal Kombat

Finn, Assassin, Adventure Time

Steven, Tank, Steven Universe

Beetlejuice, Mage, Beetlejuice