Cottagegoth Games Recommendation
So I recently stumbled upon a tiny indie creator by the name of 'Madison Karrh'. Their games have this darkly whimsical vibe to them that I think really fits the tone for this community. I had a ton of fun sorting through these worlds and experiencing their stories and I think you will too.
Whimsy, a short point-n-click puzzler where you wander through a woodsy world of wonder and dark whimsy. Free to play!
Landlord of the Woods, another puzzler where you take on the role of a landlord from the prior owner who has sadly passed. They also made a lot of strange, esoteric promises to current tenants and it's up to you to decide how to deal with that. It only costs $1 USD.
Birth, Madison's most ambitious project yet. I'll let the game's description speak for itself. "You are alone. You will build a creature, a partner, a warm wet heart, a collection of bones." Goes for $11 USD, but well worth the price.