I'm surprised this place isn't buzz with Cliff High and the Jre temporal event

Ss: cliff high wrote a AI web bot that could scan internet text and crank out predictions or statements. In 2009 it predicted that a ufo interdimensional invasion /melee would occur soon after Joe rogan interviews Donald trump

Apparently this web bot has predicted several things already like trump becoming president, trump being shot, etc.

I've no idea if any of this is true but it certainly seems like here lately there's been more UFO activity than usual

There's also been a huge uptick in people coming out and saying ufos/aliens are demons/interdimensional spirits

There's apparently been high activity of ufos around the nuclear facilities the past couple weeks.


Apparently December 3rd/4th is the beginning of the end. Shit hits the fan and some days later a intergalactic war will occur above our skies.