Truth of Freemasonry?
Theres a Scottish Rite lodge near where I live, and Ive heard alot of the charities and good they’ve done for the community, also having members with wisdom and influence. I want to surround myself with good, wise people that want to help the world and that I can learn from, Im struggling finding a group that aligns with my perspectives. I prefer spending my time learning and doing something productive other than watching TV or other sorts of entertainment. I’ve done plenty of research with freemasonry and Ive come to many mixed conclusions, (People that are in freemasonry say its a valuable experience) and also the malicious things Ive read from people that aren’t in these clubs. I am somewhat religious and I know my soul wants to bring more light in this world, but I don’t want to risk joining the club and bring something malignant as a consequence. Are these freemasonry clubs actually negative as people make it seem? Anyone know any experiences? What do you guys recommend?
Thank you