In Dreams quest ninja

First off if you are from the Horde guild Got Milk and this happened to you last night around midnight server time I’m sorry… not really

We all know waiting for Taelen escort can take some time to respawn. After failing it once due to a party member deciding to help kill the mobs and die. I was reaching peak level of tiredness and being done for the night. But figured I would give it one last attempt. After traveling back south for my costume and back to the keep I was met with a few people waiting their turn too. Tried hopping a few layers and they were all contested. Decided to just chill on one and try to wait my turn. There was a group of 3 horde players from a guild called got milk waiting. I stayed off to the side but just in range to interact with the NPC when he would spawn. I did not move, jump, speak or anything in attempt to appear afk like.

Well after about 5 minutes respawn happened. I quickly was able to accept the escort since I did not have to turn in the previous completion. And this is where the story takes a hilarious turn for me. Once Taelen begins to advance I continue to not move. The group of horde start to advance forward and start fighting. I had to double check my quest log as I thought I had accepted the quest. Sure enough, I had the quest in my log. I did not move… Taelen and the horde start making their way down the stairs in the keep. Finally I decide to go stealth and just follow.

After watching this group in stealth help escort and complete my quest for me for 10-15 minutes. I ever so peacefully come out of stealth thanked them all, accept my reward and rode off into the sunset on my pony.

Thanks again, and not sorry.. I mean did not one of you check to make sure you accepted?