New Civ Game Guide: Han
Hey all! We're back with a new game guide introducing the latest Antiquity Age civilization to our roster, Han! Get a quick look at their their unique units, buildings, and more:
Starting Biases:
Unique Ability:
Nine Provinces: The Capital and new Towns gain an additional Population with their first growth event.
Unique Infrastructure:
Great Wall: Unique Improvement. Adds Culture. Increased Happiness for adjacent Great Wall segments. Increased Combat Strength for any Units defending on this tile. Can only be built in a line.
Unique Military Unit:
Chu-Ko-Nu: Unique Ranged Unit. It has a Zone of Control and increased Defense. Has increased Combat Strength when attacking adjacent Units.
Unique Civilian Unit:
Shì Dàfū: Unique Scholar-bureaucrat Unit. Can only be built in the Capital once it has reached a set Population, and the specific Shì Dàfū received is random. Each Shì Dàfū can only be received once. Cost increases per Shì Dàfū built.
Associated Wonder:
Weiyang Palace: Adds a high amount of Influence. Must be placed on a Grassland tile.
Full info on the Game Guide available here:
More updates on the way very soon!