Ding updates - New Year, chess esports, phone wallpaper

Quite a few posts since last I checked his Weibo (Chinese Twitter). But first:

In the chesscom article about Ding signing with LGD, there was a link to a Wenzhou news article (where he was during Lunar New Year) that did a short interview with him and his family.

In summary:

  • Even on break, he would often review and play chess online
  • He played some blindfold chess at a local charity event, went to tour some natural scenery, played some ball, and went skiing
  • He has a trophy cabinet in his room, but tragically the article did not provide a picture
  • Some relatives want him to start looking for a partner, but he wants to focus on chess for now, and his parents are understanding of it
  • Besides CCT and the tournaments he mentioned to chesscom, he'll also be playing in the National Games of China, held in November 2025


Link to his Weibo profile



Being back home, the happiest times were the gatherings during Lunar New Year. After the New Year, everyone went back to their own commitments, and my mood has sunk to a low point... Going to Hangzhou tomorrow, maybe it's time I had a change of environment.

弦歌雅集: This photo has the feeling of a Hirokazu Koreeda or Jōji Matsuoka film

Ding: I thought you would say Yasujirō Ozu, fixed camera position and long takes

弦歌雅集: Alright, scratch my previous post, re-sending: This photo has the feeling of a Yasujirō Ozu film, with the fixed camera position and long takes.

(I swear every other Ding post forces me to become marginally more cultured. Film aficionados, please weigh in.)




After upgrading ios, there were a lot of new features, like the screen brightness changing with the environment brightness, and recommending photos as the wallpaper, it's a great vibe.

(I could have said "feeling" instead of "vibe", but the word Ding uses, 带感, is an online term, so I'm continuing to push the agenda that he's at least semi up-to-date with internet slang, just not in English.)

电车尨民: There's a lot of information, but most importantly, this photo must hold a special meaning to you. Talk about the story behind it?

Ding: Correct, it was the time where I took the most photos.

Higher resolution image:

have fun, geogessrs.

The "Túnel de la Rovira" is in Barcelona, so... Madrid Candidates maybe?




Never thought an esports outsider would one day become an esports player. I'm very happy to join the LGD team from Hangzhou, and will work hard for the esports World Cup in the future.