What would be the best wireless gaming headset money can buy?
I've had my fair share of both bad and 'great' wireless headsets for gaming over the past few years, so I switched back to a wired headset and have been using the DT900 Pro X since October. However, I really wanted to return to a wireless option, so I bought an Astro A50X. The sound quality is great, the base station functionalities are impressive, and most importantly, the mic quality is perfect. Unfortunately, I received a defective unit and the replacement also turned out to be defective (a buzzing noise in a $400 headset makes me hope it's just a faulty unit...).
So here's my question: What would be the best wireless headset for gaming money can buy? I'm looking for a headset that has at least a day of battery life, more than decent mic quality (since wireless headsets and their mics can be problematic), a base station for charging would be great, obviously good sound quality, and reliable software that doesn’t frequently bug out, among other features
Please, if anyone has any great recommendations, I beg you, share them. I can't stand having a wireless headset that costs so much yet delivers so little!