2 days post op
My toes feel cold to me but are warm to the touch. I’ve been elevating my leg but the swelling does not feel like it’s going down. I’m in a lot of pain and my surgeon doesn’t have an after hours line that I can call. My foot feels so tight and I don’t know what to do. I’m not even sure this is normal. I guess I just need some reassurance. I did have a nerve block if that makes a difference.
UPDATE: It feels better I’ve stacked 4 pillows under my leg and I slept like that last night the best I could and dozed most of today. It feels better although I do have some sharp pains every now and then. The nerve block is still wearing off and I can feel my leg being tingly like it went to sleep but not painful just uncomfortable. I had a couple of doctors appointments yesterday that I think definitely contributed to the fact that it was sore because I was in the car a lot. And I also went to a hair school in town to get my hair washed. I have really long thick hair it’s almost down to the top of my butt so washing it in the kitchen sink without a sprayer or anything is out of the question. It wouldn’t rinse the product out so my hair being dirty was just really too much for me to deal with. I’ve been doing better still aches when I stand up to use the bathroom but I’m getting there. I have an appointment on Monday for my first post op appointment I’m hoping I can get some kind of boot because the splint still digs in a little bit.