Failing breast to bottle

I returned back to work this week. Baby would take a bottle early on in his weeks of life (I was apart from baby because an ER visit), so we weren’t too concerned about my transition to work! But this last month he was like hell no, and became exclusively a breastfed baby. We did try the week leading up to me going back to only bottle feed, but it was breaking my heart and confusing for little guy. Figured, maybe once he’s with the sitter he’d have a better chance at accepting from someone who wasn’t us.

It’s been a week and he’s still getting really frustrated with the bottle, only drinking 2oz over an 8hr span! He was eating every 1-2hrs for 15-20mins on my boob! I don’t think his latch is horrible but I know it’s not perfect. His natural sucking reflex doesn’t go off when the roof of his mouth is touched. Would a lactation coach help a babies bottle latch?

Need guidance or solidarity. I feel like we totally messed up.