What is your worse roll/class to date?

Had mine yesterday (first day as blue belt and coming back after 6 weeks off due to illness. Yes I need to update my flair). No excuses, just context. To say I got worked over would be an understatement. White belts going extra hard against me and my cardio was crap (which is saying something because my cardio has always been crap). Tapped a bunch of times and struggling to survive. Final roll was against a competition blue belt. Butterfly swept me four times, at which point I'm just wheezing trying to put together any defense before getting choked. I forgot everything about my training after I got tired (flat on back, non-active legs). Came home, got inside and literally took a nap at the front door for nearly an hour trying to feel less nauseous.

So, how about you all. What is the worst session you've ever had?