Manic vs. Having a good time | Episode vs. Upset
Does this happen to anyone else? I'll genuinely be excited about a topic and ready to truly discuss my opinions with enthusiasm, and I'm told I am "going on and on" or being "manic" when I am genuinely just excited. There's a huge difference between my manic rambling and me just wanting to join a conversation. I don't see how it's fair that other people get to talk for hours about what they love /hate /enjoy/ are interested in and yet when I begin to speak it seems like everyone already starts rolling their eyes and tuning out before I can finish. I understand that I was unbelievably annoying in my last manic phase but it was over 6 months ago. I just want people to get over that and treat me like everyone else. I also can't cry or get angry without being accused of an episode. I am so tired of being treated like a basket case I am on meds and perfectly fine and I have emotions like everyone else.