What triggered the first manic episode you can remember?
My first memory of what I think was a manic episode.
I was about 11 and I had started at a new Christian school. I was brought up in a very catholic family but my family had moved to an area where the Christian School was the only option.
The school was aware of my family’s denomination and they were okay with me participating in prayers but insisted that I would remain a practising catholic. The school agreed to this.
Religion in general made me very uncomfortable because I used to overthink it a lot as a child. Bible stories and imagery were quite anxiety inducing for me.
I would obsessively say prayers that I’ve been taught as a kid when I felt anxious or uncomfortable in fear that something bad would happen if I didn’t. If I messed up my rosary even on one bead I would have to start all over again until I did it “right”.
Anyway back to the main story; my teacher was of the opinion that the school made the wrong decision I agreeing to not try and sway me to get saved.
On my first day at school she pulled me aside, and proceeded to tell me how evil Catholics were. She told me that if my family did not get saved they would all be going to hell.
That scared the absolute crap out of me, and for about a week I couldn’t confront my family about it. Because my teacher warned me that was not the right way to go about “saving” them.
She suggested instead that I spread the word of Jesus to them until they saw they saw the light.
For about a week couldn’t bring myself to speak to my parents about this, I continuously would wake up with nightmares and panic attacks about my family being trapped in hell.
I started obsessively praying my rosary through the night until I would fall asleep out of share exhaustion.
My grandmother realised something was bothering me and managed to get out of me what my teacher told me.
This lady straight up lied and told the principal and my parents that I had blown things way out of proportion.
The rosary obsession consumed me and pushed me into what I now think was my first manic episode.
What can you remember about your first?