Tips to increase milk supply
Hi all. I'm so incredibly frustrated. I'm a first time mom and I'm 9 weeks postpartum. I wanted to strictly breastfeed and pump, but have resorted to combo feeding.
For context, I was doing fine EBF freshly after childbirth. LO was (and still is) latching really well. But I was readmitted 6 days PP with severe PP preeclampsia. I was in the hospital for about a week since they were having trouble getting my BP under control... probably the scariest thing my husband and I have gone through. As a result, I was not BF as much because I was so weak between the mag drip and just overall exhausted from all the tests they were doing (had to have a cardiologist look after me because they originally thought there may have been an aortic dissection). Since then my milk supply has been atrocious. I'm on nifedipine and labetalol still since my BP has not returned to what it was pre-pregnancy and still remains in the high 140s/80s when off the medicine.
I've been back to BF and pumping, but I'm still having to combo feed. I've literally done everything that was recommended: hydration, body armor, coconut water, oats, coconut oil, power pumping. You name it, I've probably tried it. Even with all that I'm still only able to pump 1.5-2 oz a session and I can tell LO isn't satisfied when he unlatches, especially because he's growing so quickly and usually requires about 4-5 oz a feed now.
Does anyone know if it's the medication decreasing my supply? I've spoken to my OB and cardiologist and neither seem to have an answer for me. Have any of you had the same experience? Any other tips to help? I've also had a LC tell me BF may just not be for me which totally upset me. I'm not opposed to continue combo feeding, but I'd love it if I was able to get around 70% breast milk and 30% formula.. I just haven't been successful.